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AGM : Committee 2013 - 2015


Leicester PPA welcomes Mombasa Samaj Vice Chairman Kishor Vaya 2014


PPA National Diwali 2012 at Leicester   Past PPA Leicester Committees    Navratri 2011

2010 – Diwali 2010  Navratri 2010  Mothers Day Satsang 2010   Mahila Mandal Trip to Skanda Vale Mandir 2009  Mothers Day 2009

2009 – Diwali 2009  Navratri 2009 Videos  Navratri 2009   Great Yarmouth Trip 2009   Janmashtami Celebration 2009

2008 – Diwali 2008  Mahila Mandal Trip to London 2008  Navratri 2008

Diwali 2007



We are pleased to inform the community that PPA Leicester AGM was held on

Sunday 7th June 2015 at 2.00pm

at The Sanatan Mandir, Weymouth Street, Leicester.

Following members were elected to a new managing committee to serve the
PPA Leicester region.

President - Mr. Amit Ramniklal Pattni (Vaya)
Vice President - Mr. Sunilbhai Vrajlal Pattni
Secretary - Miss Chandni Bharatbhai Challa
Treasurer - Mr. Jiten Mukundbhai Madhavji
Committee Members
Miss. Jeegnasha Subhashbhai Ratanshi
Miss. Sunita Mavji
Mrs. Mansi Dharmesh Pattni
Mr. Bharatbhai Harilal Challa
Mr. Dilipbhai Purshotam Harji
Mr. Hasmukhbhai Dwarkadas Pattni
Mr. Mukundbhai Madhavji

Mr. Jaysukhbhai Virji Patani
Mr. Rameshbhai Pattni

Message from the New President:

Amit Ramniklal Pattni, President, PPA Leicester

Amit Pattni and the New Committee take over to serve Leicester PPA with great humility

 “Myself and the new committee are merely here to serve” says new president Amit Ramniklal Pattni (Vaya).

Message from the President Amit:
To My Dear Parajiya Pattni Community
I would like to extend my humble gratitude for the opportunity you have given to me to serve the community as President of the Leicester Region.
The new committee has been given a clear mandate which I would like to share with you. Very simply this is to get our community spirit back to the levels it once was.
I have many fond memories as I am sure you can share of our community events in Leicester being attended and enjoyed by the majority of households locally and from surrounding cities too. The first generation of Pattni elders did a fantastic job of keeping our community united. They gave us an identity as a great society through hard work and dedication.
I feel quite passionately that this sentiment and identity now needs to be taken up by the next generation of Pattni members so that we can carry forth the good work and build upon the foundations our forefathers
have laid for us.
This committee has pledged to bring our community together through a variety of different events and we look forward to receiving your support. At the same time I would like to invite any suggestions from members in the community for anything we can be doing to make our association even stronger. Remember this community is ours as a whole and myself and the new committee are merely here to serve.
Look forward to hearing from you all soon and seeing you at future events.
Kind Regards
Mr. Amit Ramniklal Pattni (Vaya)


Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given to all members that the annual general meeting will be held on

Sunday 7th June 2015

The Sanatan Mandir, Weymouth Street, Leicester

Time: 2pm till 4pm

  • Prayers & Welcome
  • Apologies
  • Minutes - to approve the Minutes of the last AGM
  • Matters arising
  • Treasurer’s Report - To receive and approve the audited accounts
  • Secretary’s Report
  • Any other business
    Election of Officers:
  • President
  • Vice President
  • 6 Committee Members
  • Any Other business with the permission of Newly Elected President

Please note
No letter will be posted this year so please lookout for your emails, Pattni Connection website and
social media for further information.

Your attendance will be appreciated with Jalebi and Gathiya.
Kind Regards
PPA Leicester Committee