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Jaya Ekadashi and Vijaya Ekadashi

Ekadashi is the eleventh day of a fortnight in a Hindu lunar calendar and is dedicated to Lord Vishnu.


There are two Ekadashis in a lunar month. The two Ekadashi in the month of Maha are known as Jaya Ekadashi and Vijaya Ekadashi Upvaas or fasting on Ekadasi day is considered highly beneficial and is observed by a large number of Vishnu devotees.


Extract from the sacred Skanda Puran:-

Lord Sri Krishna said, “I shall tell you about Jaya Ekadashi. This Ekadashi obliterates all kinds of sinful reactions and demoniac influences that may be affecting the spirit soul. It is known as Jaya Ekadashi, and the fortunate soul who observes a fast on this sacred day is relieved of the great burden of ghostly existence.


Thus there is no better Ekadashi than this, for it truly bestows freedom from birth and death. It is to be honored very carefully and diligently. Therefore one should strictly observe a fast on the sacred day of Lord Hari, especially on this Jaya Ekadashi. A great soul who observes this fast with full faith and devotion has in effect given all kinds of charity, performed all kinds of sacrifice, and bathed in all the Holy places of pilgrimage.


Fasting on Jaya Ekadashi qualifies one to reside in Vaikuntha and enjoy unending happiness for billions of yugas – indeed, forever, as the soul is eternal. One who even hears or reads these wonderful glories of Jaya Ekadashi achieves the blessed merit attained by performing an Agni fire sacrifice - Havan, during which the hymns from the Sama-veda are recited.”


Whoever observes it certainly achieves success in this life and the next.



Lakshmi Narayan Puja and Yagna
We all know Mata Lakshmi is the Goddess who governs all form of wealth and success and the paths, means and results of all forms of prosperity. As the Consort of Lord Vishnu, who is the god of preservation, Lakshmi Devi is the goddess of health and beauty. Sri Lakshmi embodies sublime beauty, siddhi, peace, strength, balance, auspiciousness, opulence and wisdom.

Lakshmi Narayan Puja is performed for prosperity, material abundance, and spiritual prosperity. To remove troubles that prevents us from starting a spiritual path or business. It is said that performing the puja of Narayan inevitably means that Mata Laxmi is not far exhibiting her extreme prasanata. Thus to perform a Yagna for both on samudra (sea) - their home is an opportunity not ever presented to us before.

Meaning of Lakshmi

As a counterpart of Lord Narayan, Mata Lakshmi is also called "Shri", the female of the Supreme Being. The word "Lakshmi" is derived from the Sanskrit word "Laksya", meaning 'aim' or 'goal', and she is the goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual. Also 'lakh' which means "one hundred thousand' as a monetary unit in India, is the first part of Lakshmi's name, symbolizing her blessings that pour forth abundantly.